Every feature is included! It’s easier than ever to join and all industry updates are provided in real-time!
Every feature is included! It’s easier than ever to join and all industry updates are provided in real-time!
some restrictions apply
Monthly Charges: Monthly fees are charged automatically on the same day of the month you joined until you cancel.
Cancellation Policy: You can cancel in writing at any time. We will respond in writing for your records.
To cancel at any time, simply email, or use the “Contact Support” feature within your account and let us know you wish to cancel. There are absolutely no cancellation fees, setup fees or long term contract required. Cancellations must be in writing. Our team will respond right away to your cancellation request during business hours which are 9:00am to 4:00pm Central Time M-F (excluding holidays).
Upgrading From Single Loan Officer To Corporate Account: Upgrade at anytime by simply purchasing a corporate account, or when your company purchases a corporate account. Please contact us and we will cancel your monthly billing for your single loan officer account and transfer your single loan officer account to your new corporate account so you do not lose any saved items.
Features Included at No Added Cost: Applies to all new accounts and all already established single loan officer accounts. Some previously established corporate accounts with old pricing structures may not be eligible for all new features for no added cost.
HTML Email Tool Included: All accounts get 2500 email credits which means you can send 2500 emails each month. For example; if you have an email recipient list of 500 recipients, you can send to this list 5 times each month. Email credits are not carried over to the following month. The monthly period begins when your account is activated. Your email credits are automatically replenished every month.
Property Websites: Property websites will only be created when using either of the two options included within the MLS Link® feature (noted below).
MLS Link® Included: There are two options included within the MLS Link® feature.
MLS Data is proprietary to the data owner. We do not warrant having all listing information.
This system is updated and supported by over 600 MLS’s across the United States. However, within each supported MLS service, real estate brokers may control the way their listings are advertised. While most real estate brokers advertise their listings on all national publishers websites including ours, some brokers simply want to know and select the national publishers that may advertise their listings. In this case, instructions may be automatically emailed to the REALTOR® for them to provide to their broker. There is no cost for the broker and following the instructions only takes about a minute. Once a broker has designated as a national publisher, this system will be updated with that broker’s listings including listings for all agents under that broker.